Dr Deborah Abbenhuys
Equine Vet
Over 30 years of Equine Experience
Read about our Equine Specialities

Our clinic has a complete podiatry unit with farrier service. Barefoot rehabilitation and maintenance, laminitis treatment and boot fittings are offered. Radiology is included where necessary. Regular classes are offered in hoof anatomy/pathology and home care.

Equine behaviour issues are investigated both medically, physically and emotionally. Training issues can be referred to a local horseman for short term work or why not join our highly successful Quantum Savvy horsemanship group to further your knowledge in this fascinating area!

We offer a computerised nutrition analysis service. Diet plans can be formulated for all health and sporting disciplines.

Chiropractic consultation is based on a thorough physical examination and complete history of the patient so allow one hour for your appointment. Back and neck issues may give rise to a whole range of symptoms including pain, lameness, dull hair coat, poor weight gain, behaviour changes or just a decrease in performance. Adjustment of restricted joints and muscle release optimizes circulation and function. Options such as Bowen therapy, massage, laser treatment, Prolotherapy and Acupuncture may be included. Rehabilitation programs for owners to follow at home are a key element of the program.

Our clinic has a special interest in Veterinary Equine dentistry with 20 years experience in the use of power floats and advanced dentistry techniques. Dentistry is performed with sedation in our airconditioned barn.